首页 > 言情小说 > 人在四合院:我是何雨柱爱哭的 > 错了,抱歉啦

错了,抱歉啦(第2/5 页)

最新言情小说小说: 八零:被渣至死后我重生了青青女仙记军婚七零:科研大佬被宠成小娇妻完蛋!缠她上瘾的痞男竟然是大佬王妃是个撩人精,王爷宠在心尖尖糙汉王爷的神医王妃马甲多墨先生拉我入红尘重生大师姐左手吃瓜,右手养娃绝世高手五小只成长记被骗缅北,我在监狱写下的自传月下木青和离后,她被王爷日日娇宠快穿:龙崽被读心后主角们缺德了九转龙灵:神医帝女太撩人快穿:病美人仙君又拿白月光剧本从末世穿越到古代读心:团宠千金杀到只剩书名繁星满宫亭四柱大法师

o work, woven two strong wooden baskets, add a beam in the middle, just fixed on the back of the bicycle.

He Yuzhu was afraid that the road was rough and the bike was too bumpy. He added a lot of hay to the basket and then carefully put two bottles of tiger bone wine into it.

I don't blame him for being so careful, but he was going to do something great with it.

Tiger bone wine itself is a tonic, and He Yuzhu is going to add spiritual spring water to the wine. By then, the effect of tiger bone wine will be much stronger than it is now.

In fact, he was going fishing with tiger bone wine, but I'll tell you more about that later.

Outside the village, He Yuzhu saw the village head and stopped to chat with him.

Finally, He Yuzhu said mysteriously, "Head of the village, if there is still this tiger in the future, please let me know. I will accept it all and I will not let the villagers suffer."

"Well, I'll let




