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不知道为什么(第2/4 页)

最新言情小说小说: 新婚夜,我求陛下赐避子汤王爷爱我如命,我却逼他造反八零:被渣至死后我重生了青青女仙记军婚七零:科研大佬被宠成小娇妻完蛋!缠她上瘾的痞男竟然是大佬王妃是个撩人精,王爷宠在心尖尖糙汉王爷的神医王妃马甲多墨先生拉我入红尘重生大师姐左手吃瓜,右手养娃绝世高手五小只成长记被骗缅北,我在监狱写下的自传月下木青和离后,她被王爷日日娇宠快穿:龙崽被读心后主角们缺德了九转龙灵:神医帝女太撩人快穿:病美人仙君又拿白月光剧本从末世穿越到古代读心:团宠千金杀到只剩书名

g of Summer Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival and the Spring Festival. Meat, eggs, noodles And a piece of fabric, after a year or two, when both parties have no objections, the woman tells the matchmaker that they can cut the shoe sample (that is, the man tells the woman the size of the shoes worn by his family). The man gives the woman some money for cutting the sample, which was only a few tens of yuan at that time. The woman needs to make a pair of shoes for each member of the man's family and match them with hand-embroidered insoles.

Preparation before and after marriage

A necessary dowry for women

Before marriage, the man gives the woman some money to buy a dowry. Depending on the family's economic conditions, he can give the woman three to five thousand yuan at once, and regardless of how much money she receives from the man, these things must be allocated. One large wardrobe or bination cabinet, one table, four chairs,




