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上传错误了(第2/6 页)

最新言情小说小说: 掌家小夫人穿到七零,把剧情创飞后美美躺赢旺家小福女凉暖世界新婚夜,我求陛下赐避子汤王爷爱我如命,我却逼他造反八零:被渣至死后我重生了青青女仙记军婚七零:科研大佬被宠成小娇妻完蛋!缠她上瘾的痞男竟然是大佬王妃是个撩人精,王爷宠在心尖尖糙汉王爷的神医王妃马甲多墨先生拉我入红尘重生大师姐左手吃瓜,右手养娃绝世高手五小只成长记被骗缅北,我在监狱写下的自传月下木青和离后,她被王爷日日娇宠快穿:龙崽被读心后主角们缺德了

as a teacher and could not ignore the students in her class.

"Well, don't worry, Jia Terrier's mother. Let Jia Terrier rest at home for a few days. I'll take you to the principal and react with him.

Ran Qiuye got up with Qinhuai Ru went to the principal's office.

Principal Zhang saw Miss Ran e in with a woman and beckon them to sit down. "Miss Ran, what's the matter?"

Ran Qiuye told the whole story and asked the headmaster what to do.

President Zhang still has some impression on the rod Terrier family. Of course, it is not a good impression. Every year, there is always the name Jia Terrier.

"Jia Terrier's mother, you can rest assured that the school will take care of this matter. Such a big thing happened to students at school, our school is bound to help you solve this problem.

But I still want to say, home education also have to keep up with ah, children naughty is a small matter, but c




