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不知道为什么(第3/4 页)

最新言情小说小说: 小仙女科学家人格觉醒后,我将傻白甜校花宠上天!仙缘师姐皆护我九公主的后宫又双叒增加了重生八零踹渣男,我高嫁大院军官轻声诱哄,傅总的小娇妻被宠上天我的重生真的有意义么乡村欲孽穿越后,我在前排看真千金打脸套麻袋!零元购病弱恋爱脑总裁!守寡后,侯爷夺我入府放弃高冷校花,转身遇到软萌学妹老夫少妻的巅峰对诀野外生存直播:女战神成顶流断我手筋脚筋让我和亲?受死吧!穿成公主:皇帝要我做储君七零年代,养三娃日常恋爱的天使凰女太动人,六界美男都不经撩60年代,饥荒年,赶山挖百年参

woman. The gifts include: half or one pig, chicken, clothes or fabrics, shoes and socks of the woman's parents, brothers and sisters. All things should be put in place. A big rack should be used to carry them to the woman, so that the woman's onlookers can know what's ing at a glance. If the man's family condition is not good, he will borrow something to put on it to save face, Because all the things that went through the ceremony, except for the food, returned to the man the next day.

The woman should prepare as follows

Put red packets in the quilt, usually two packets, each of which is 40 cents for the bed maker. The big wooden box is full of fruit, peanuts, sweet potato chips, eggs, candy biscuits, and clothes, shoes and socks when you see the man's parents, brothers and sisters in the man's side. In addition, the parents also need to give the daughter some box money (hundreds to thousands depending on the conditions). Because after marryi




