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不知道为什么(第4/4 页)

最新言情小说小说: 色色的兼职小美女永恒之门穿越全能学霸三转证仙斩月眼底星海木叶之极诣须佐奥特曼之开局抢占迪迦从蓝银草开始你管这叫心魔冷傲王爷莫生气重生大佬与傲娇世子[红楼+聊斋] 废太子与末世大佬的异世之旅[HP论坛体] 我在教授雷区跳了个舞[HP同人] 黎明向日葵[综原神] 骑兵队长想要回家互金巨子红色仕途贱妾重生狂妻,慕少花式宠

son had an umbrella, Blowing and beating all the way to the man for lunch.

After dinner, the wedding scene is also the most lively scene during marriage. The purpose is to help the groom and bride eliminate the feeling of shyness. Various programs try to make their body and skin contact, such as mouth to mouth eating dates, two people lighting firecrackers, kittens fishing, and ash picking. The more tricks, the better. No matter how big or small, they can make as much noise as they want. After the 1980s, the habit of making wedding scenes gradually changed to watching movies, videos, and singing.

Conclusion: Marriage in that era was the simplest, especially for office workers and workers who ate the national food, let alone worry about anything. They had free love, and when they got married, their unit had a share of the house. The unit leaders would personally hold the wedding for the young couple, and after marriage, the young couple slowly made some furniture. Unl




